© Candyrat Records / Guitar Republic 2010
Download MP3s (320 kbps) : $9.95 Buy CD : $14.95Guitar Republic is the new solo-duo-trio concert by Sergio Altamura, Stefano Barone and Pino Forastiere: music in the widest sound spectrum you may imagine, from the pure acoustic guitar sound to experimental electronics. Rock, improvisation, minimalism, mediterranean colors and rhythms are performed on the same stage by three different citizens of the same Guitar Republic.
Guitar Republic è il nuovo progetto che riunisce in solo-duo-trio Sergio Altamura, Stefano Barone e Pino Forastiere: un'ora e mezza di musica nel più ampio spettro sonoro concepibile, dalla nudità del puro suono acustico alla sperimentazione del suono elettronico. Rock, improvvisazione, minimalismo, colori e ritmi mediterranei nella musica di tre diversi cittadini della stessa Repubblica armonica.
This download comes with three songs in MP3 format and matching (Standard Notation & Guitar Tab Format) transcriptions in Adobe PDF and Windows XPS formats.
This download comes with three songs in MP3 format and matching (Standard Notation & Guitar Tab Format) transcriptions in Adobe PDF and Windows XPS formats.
This download comes with three songs in MP3 format and matching (Standard Notation & Guitar Tab Format) transcriptions in Adobe PDF format.
This includes a video tuturial and guitar tabs for "Chemistry Must Be Respected", for two electro acoustic guitars.